Monday, March 19, 2012

Off to pick up some groceries

 Wow, I'm so glad that spring is coming! We've had a mild winter, but I still feel like it was kicking my butt. I've felt a little lazy lately when it's come to projects, but I didn't manage to make these grocery totes out of vintage pillow cases. I used a very helpful tutorial from Spider Woman Knits.

I made the last tote extra fancy, using an old doily as a pocket. I top stitched all the edges to give it a little more structure and added a piece of vinyl to the inside, again to add to the structure. I decided to use it as a beach tote. I'm keeping my eyes out for some more attractive pillowcases that can make trips to the grocery store more palatable.


TLC said...

Cute Rene!

Ally said...

I just found your blog and think its hilarious that my own blog post today is me making a shopping bag into a pillow case! Lol.